The Singleton Pattern: A Deep Dive with Double-Checked Locking and Lazy Initialization in Java
What is it ?
The Singleton design pattern is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming.
It ensures that a class has only one instance and provides a global point of access to it.
This pattern is particularly useful in scenarios
where you need to control resource usage, manage a single state for a particular object, or implement global configurations.
Key Characteristics:
Single Instance: Only one instance of the class exists throughout the application’s lifecycle.
Global Access: A static method or property provides access to the single instance.
Private Constructor: The constructor is private to prevent direct instantiation from outside the class.
Thread Safety:
In multithreaded environments, ensuring thread safety is crucial when creating the Singleton instance.
If multiple threads attempt to create the instance simultaneously, it can lead to unexpected behavior and errors.
Double-Checked Locking:
Double-checked locking is an optimization technique that enhances the performance of the Singleton pattern in multithreaded scenarios.
Here’s how it works:
First Check: The code first checks if the instance has already been created. If it’s not null, the existing instance is returned directly, avoiding unnecessary synchronization.
Acquire Lock: If the instance is null, the code acquires a lock to prevent other threads from concurrently creating the instance.
Second Check: Inside the synchronized block, the code checks again if the instance has been created. This step is essential because another thread might have created the instance while the current thread was waiting for the lock.
Create Instance: If the instance is still null, it’s created and assigned to the static variable.
public class Singleton {
// Declare the instance as volatile to ensure visibility across threads
private static volatile Singleton instance;
// Private constructor to prevent external instantiation
private Singleton() {}
// Public static method to get the single instance
public static Singleton getInstance() {
// First check: If instance is null, proceed to create it
if (instance == null) {
// Synchronize on the Singleton class to prevent multiple threads from creating the instance simultaneously
synchronized (Singleton.class) {
// Second check: Double-check within the synchronized block to avoid unnecessary object creation
if (instance == null) {
instance = new Singleton();
// Return the existing instance
return instance;
volatile keyword ensures that all threads see the most up-to-date value of the instance variable.
The first if statement outside the synchronized block checks if the instance is already created. This avoids unnecessary synchronization overhead.
The synchronized block ensures that only one thread can create the instance at a time.
The second if statement within the synchronized block is crucial to prevent race conditions.
The volatile
keyword in Java is used to ensure that the value of a variable is always read from and written to the main memory (RAM), rather than being cached by a thread(CPU registers). This guarantees visibility of changes to variables across threads.
Now let’s add the main class which used the singleton instance.
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Get the Singleton instance using the getInstance method
Singleton singletonInstance = Singleton.getInstance();
// Perform some actions or print something to show it's working
System.out.println("Singleton instance hash code: " + singletonInstance.hashCode());
// Demonstrate that multiple calls to getInstance return the same instance
Singleton anotherInstance = Singleton.getInstance();
System.out.println("Another Singleton instance hash code: " + anotherInstance.hashCode());
// Verify the same instance is returned
if (singletonInstance == anotherInstance) {
System.out.println("Both instances are the same.");
} else {
System.out.println("Instances are different.");
- The
method first retrieves the Singleton instance usingSingleton.getInstance()
. - It prints the hash code of the instance to confirm its identity.
- To further confirm the Singleton property, the code retrieves another instance and compares it with the first one.
- The output will demonstrate that both instances have the same hash code and are the same object.
Difference from Factory Pattern:
The Singleton and Factory patterns, while both related to object creation, have distinct purposes:
Singleton: Ensures a single instance of a class.
Factory: Creates objects of different classes based on specific criteria.
When to Use Singleton:
Logging: A single logger instance can be used throughout the application.
Configuration: A single configuration object can hold application-wide settings.
Database Connection Pool: A single pool of database connections can be managed efficiently.
Thread Pools: A single thread pool can be shared across different parts of the application.
Global State: Overuse of the Singleton pattern can lead to global state, making testing and debugging more difficult.
Testability: Singletons can make unit testing more challenging as they introduce dependencies on global state.
The Singleton design pattern is a valuable tool for managing resources and ensuring consistent behavior in object-oriented systems.
By understanding its principles and implementing it correctly, especially with thread-safe techniques like double-checked locking, you can leverage its benefits while mitigating potential drawbacks.