Running parameterized and non parameterized Jenkins job via its API and get results
Pre requestees-
Build Authorization Token Root Jenkins plugin should be isntalled before.
Get an API token for your Jenkins user from
We can send an optional HEAD request to check Jenkins server is up.
You can check your user’s details and access is by sending a GET request with basic authentication username, API token.
password=API token
This is basic authentication, so if you are using postman, can give like below in Authorization to run non-parameterized job.
Now, let’s try to send with parameters. from UI, you can get the exact URL by navigating to it.
After that append buildWithParameters as a path petameter,
We could send a POST request , with parameters such as TestPlanName and NoOfReruns, if the request is a successes ,status code =201
So all together the post request is,
Now, lets see how to send a GET request to see the execution status of the latest build.
Above GET request gives below response We can use result field , to get the results of the Jenkins Job using “result” Key and value . Success for pass , null for ongoing Job and FAILURE for failure.
"id": "7",
"keepLog": false,
"number": 7,
"queueId": 11376969,
"result": "SUCCESS",
"timestamp": 1702883255878,
From above request’s id field contains the Jenkins build number, let’s say its 7 so using it we can the results as well.
Similarly, we can get details about below values as per below by sending a get request.
lastStableBuild, lastSuccessfulBuild, lastFailedBuild, lastUnstableBuild, lastUnsuccessfulBuild, lastCompletedBuild
Also, if you have sufficient permission, you could enable and disable a Jenkins job via POST API request by passing enable and disable with credentials.
Send below GET request to Obtains a CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) protection token, also known as a “crumb.”
Using building number 10, view build’s console log.
Jenkins API