Sameera De Silva
3 min readJan 2, 2024

Running parameterized and non parameterized Jenkins job via its API and get results

Pre requestees-

Build Authorization Token Root Jenkins plugin should be isntalled before.

Get an API token for your Jenkins user from

Generate token , no need to give a name
copy and save the token

We can send an optional HEAD request to check Jenkins server is up.


You can check your user’s details and access is by sending a GET request with basic authentication username, API token.

password=API token


This is basic authentication, so if you are using postman, can give like below in Authorization to run non-parameterized job.


Now, let’s try to send with parameters. from UI, you can get the exact URL by navigating to it.

After that append buildWithParameters as a path petameter,

We could send a POST request , with parameters such as TestPlanName and NoOfReruns, if the request is a successes ,status code =201


So all together the post request is,

Now, lets see how to send a GET request to see the execution status of the latest build.

Above GET request gives below response We can use result field , to get the results of the Jenkins Job using “result” Key and value . Success for pass , null for ongoing Job and FAILURE for failure.

     "id": "7",
"keepLog": false,
"number": 7,
"queueId": 11376969,
"result": "SUCCESS",
"timestamp": 1702883255878,

From above request’s id field contains the Jenkins build number, let’s say its 7 so using it we can the results as well.

Similarly, we can get details about below values as per below by sending a get request.

lastStableBuild, lastSuccessfulBuild, lastFailedBuild, lastUnstableBuild, lastUnsuccessfulBuild, lastCompletedBuild


Also, if you have sufficient permission, you could enable and disable a Jenkins job via POST API request by passing enable and disable with credentials.

Send below GET request to Obtains a CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) protection token, also known as a “crumb.”


Using building number 10, view build’s console log.



Jenkins API

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